of the Uffculme Show and Country Fayre, at Bridwell Park, EX15 3BU on 1
st September 2024.

Judging commences 10:30 a.m.

Miss Laing (Marcasite)


  1. AV Puppy up to 6 months

  2. AV Puppy 6 to 12 months

  3. AV Sporting

  4. AV non-sporting

  5. AV Open

  6. AV Veteran 7 to 10

  7. AV Veteran 1 plus.

BIS RBIS BPIS BVIS From all 1sts placed in classes 1 to 7.

Judge: Miss Laing (Marcasite)


  1. Best Rescue

  2. Best Mover

  3. Waggiest Tail

  4. Veteran aged 7 to 10.

  5. Veteran aged 11 plus.

  6. Best X Breed

  7. Judges’ Secret

  8. Most Alike Pair

  9. Prettiest Bitch

  10. Handsomest Dog

  11. Irish Brace

  12. Best Conditioned Dog

  13. Best Conditioned Bitch

BIS RBIS BVIS will now be judged from all 1st placed dogs.

Dogs are entered for all Shows and Classes on the day. No advance entries. 

 £1.50 entry fee per class.

Human Entry to the Uffculme Show will be extra!

Adults £12.00 * 

 Children accompanied by paying Adult (16 and
under) – Free.

Unaccompanied Children (16 and under) – £7.00*

discounted early-bird tickets available on line at www.exevalleyrotary.org.uk/uffculme-show/

Further details regarding the Dog Show are available from

Janett Rice, 4 Coach Road Silverton EX5 4JL.

Tel: 07747 014883.

In association with the Uffculme Show organised by Exe Valley Rotary.& Uffculme Lights